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Answers about Pregnancy Symptoms

페이지 정보

작성자 Ciara
댓글 0건 조회 80회 작성일 24-06-26 14:44


The term for giving off bubbles of gas is "effervescence." It typically occurs when a substance reacts with another to release gas, causing bubbles to
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Pregnancy Symptoms


What causes vaginal moniliasis?

Asked by Wiki User

The cause of vaginal moniliasis is due to infection of yeast Candida Yeast infection occurs when the normal environment in the vagina changes. Sometimes the rea
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Pregnancy Symptoms


What can persistent hunger or thirst be a symptom of?

Asked by Wiki User

Persistent hunger or thirst can be a symptom of conditions such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, certain medications, or inadequate nutrient intake. It is importan
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Pregnancy Symptoms


What is warning signs of low iron?

Asked by Wiki User

Warning signs of low iron levels may include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, and difficulty concentrating. Other symptoms can include dizzine
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Pregnancy Symptoms


Why do you feel movement in your stomach when you took two pregnancy tests that resulted negative?

Asked by Wiki User

Feeling movement in your stomach is likely not related to pregnancy if your tests were negative. It could be due to digestive issues, muscle twitches, or other
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Pregnancy Symptoms


Why do pregnant women often experience numbness in their fingers and toes?

Asked by Wiki User

During pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to increased fluid retention in the body, which can put pressure on nerves and G7 Plus Green Gummies Reviews blood vessels, causing numbness in th
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Pregnancy Symptoms


How can you change your cervical fluid to acidic?

Asked by Wiki User

You can naturally change the acidity of your cervical fluid by consuming acidic foods like citrus fruits, cranberries, and yogurt. Additionally, maintaining a h
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Pregnancy Symptoms


Where can iron be found?

Asked by Wiki User

Iron can be found in a variety of sources such as iron ores, which are rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be extracted; in the Earth's crust; and i
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Pregnancy Symptoms


How long does a typical hurricane last?

Asked by Wiki User

A typical hurricane can last from a few days to over a week, with the most intense part usually lasting between 12 and 24 hours. However, the aftermath effects
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Is dark urine color during pregnancy ok?

Asked by Wiki User

Dark urine color during pregnancy can be a sign of dehydration or an imbalance in your diet. It's important to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet to
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Pregnancy Symptoms


Are red blotchy spots on your stomach a sign of pregnancy?

Asked by Wiki User

Red blotchy spots on the stomach can be a common skin condition during pregnancy known as pregnancy mask or chloasma. These spots are caused by hormonal changes
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You have been having twinges in your left and right side of your stomach you are 6 weeks pregnant Is this normal?

Asked by Wiki User

Twinges on both sides of the stomach during early pregnancy can be normal as your uterus is expanding and ligaments are stretching. However, if the pain is seve
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Pregnancy Symptoms


Would rubbing lavender gel on your breasts cause your nipples to become red and irritated?

Asked by Wiki User

It is possible that rubbing lavender gel on your breasts could cause skin irritation, including redness and sensitivity, especially if you have sensitive skin o
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Pregnancy Symptoms


You are feeling light cramps and have had spotting for a few minutes one day skipped one day then light spots another day could this be a sign of pregnancy?

Asked by Wiki User

Light cramping and spotting can be early signs of pregnancy, but they can also be caused by other factors such as hormonal changes or implantation bleeding. It'
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My period is three weeks late. I have taken two at home preg test that came up positive but when I went to the doctors it was negative they are taking a blood test what are the chances of me being prg?

Asked by Wiki User

Typically, home pregnancy tests are accurate, but it's possible to receive a false negative at the doctor's office if it was too early in the pregnancy. Blood t
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Pregnancy Symptoms


According to your LMP you were 7 weeks pregnant but the dr said that according to the size of the sac you were only 5.4 but the sac was empty is this possible?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible to have a discrepancy between gestational age calculated by last menstrual period and ultrasound measurements. This could be due to variatio
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Pregnancy Symptoms


What does thick white discharge the next day after your period ends mean It was thickchunky The next day it turned into white creamy discharge and eventually turned to normal discharge on the 3rd day?

Asked by Wiki User

Thick, white discharge after your period may be a result of the body shedding excess lining from the uterus or the natural cervical mucus changing consistency t
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Pregnancy Symptoms


Could you be pregnant if you are two weeks late on your period and are testing negative on a pregnancy test?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is still possible to be pregnant even if the pregnancy test is negative. It may be due to testing too early, using a faulty test, or other factors affec
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How do you know if you had a chemical pregnancy?

Asked by Wiki User

A chemical pregnancy is typically diagnosed through a pregnancy test that shows positive results followed by negative results soon after, or through a blood tes
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Pregnancy Symptoms


If you are two weeks late for your period and you took a pregnancy test but it came out negative could you still be pregnant?

Asked by Wiki User

It is possible to receive a negative result on a pregnancy test even if you are pregnant, especially if the test is taken too early or if it is not done correct
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Pregnancy Symptoms


If two weeks after sex you are feeling sick after eating and you cannot smoke because it makes you sick could you be pregnant?

Asked by Wiki User

Feeling sick after eating and being sensitive to smoking could be pregnancy symptoms, but they can also be attributed to other factors such as illness or food i
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Pregnancy Symptoms


Are you going to lose mark if you come late?

Asked by Wiki User

It ultimately depends on the specific circumstances and the policies of the organization or institution. Generally speaking, arriving late can lead to penalties
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Pregnancy Symptoms


What is the scientific name for a belly button?

Asked by Wiki User

The scientific name for a belly button is the umbilicus.


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